

我在加拿大統計局當資料分析師,畢業於西門菲莎大學(Simon Fraser University),就讀大數據研究所,大學就讀資料與財金管理系於臺北科技大學。
我對資料分析感興趣,有時候會閱讀資料處理或AI相關文章,有時候會上線上課程於線上課程平台如 Coursera, Udemy, Udacity, 於Medium網頁張貼資料分析或資料模型的文章Denise Medium Website


  • 使用Tensorflow、Pytorch和Sklearn多類別分類和回歸模型例如Logistic Regression, Random Forest Classifier, and XGBoost
  • 在自然語言處理NLP領域,情感分析他人的評論
  • 用Python處理大數據,將數據匯入Sqlite 資料庫
  • 將資料匯入ElasticSearch搜索引擎,並用Kibana產出數據圖表
  • 用Python分析數據,產出圖表

About Me

As an Data enthusiast, I am passionate in deepening my knowledge in data science field by reading the latest technology news, knowing the latest model in NLP or Computer Vision field, and getting the insight of innovative ideas using machine learning technique in daily lives. Personally, I get motivated by reading others’ blogs of machine learning articles and hosting personal projects on Cloud infrastructure.

My personality is listed as below

  • Self driven learner with the completion of several online courses and achievement of certificate in Coursera, DataCamp, and Udemy
  • Looked for more challenges and being a passionate problem-solver with experiences of Hackathons
  • Collaborative team player that makes most of team spirit and always enjoy working with a team
  • Always found several solutions to determine the best approach to solve problems

During my leisure time, I was an active learner to take several online courses from Coursera, Udemy, Udacity, and watching Youtube channel. Recently, I am a beginner of writing blog posts related in data science field. I am active to keep producing more comprehensive and structured articles in the coverage of Statistical Learning, Data Infrastructure, Data Analytics, and Data Modelling.
I have posted all my articles in medium website Denise Medium Website. If you are interested, feel free to visit my medium website and welcome to leave the comment or feedbacks. 😄